What Is Even More Concerning Than The Commodification Of Health Care?

Daily Check-up

The commodification of health is the process by which the medical practice is transformed from the practice of healing to the profit motive. What was once the domain of spiritual healers and religiously inclined doctors has now been transformed into a marketplace where anything and everything can be sold. The idea that we can profit from the medical process is not a new one, it has however gone mainstream in recent times. In this new climate the medical practice has been monetized to the point where the average citizen is able to see their health accounts increased by the simple click of a button.

The commodification of health care has come about because health care has become not just a luxury but has become the means by which people are able to survive and even procreate. The medical process that was once thought of as a last resort is now being used as a means to keep people healthy and well. The idea that one should see their doctor just when they feel something is wrong is no longer acceptable. This allows people to manage their own health care. There is no longer a stigma attached to seeking help in times of discomfort. People are becoming empowered and this is what is so disturbing.

The problem is not so much with the idea of people seeking out medical assistance but the fact that many are not seeking out the right kind of help in the first place. The commodification of health care has resulted in many people falling through the cracks and having to turn to unlicensed and often inexperienced individuals for health care. This has resulted in individuals not getting the care that they or their family needs. Even more concerning is the idea that some people are being billed for services they may never receive. This is all being done in the name of saving money.

What is even more concerning than the commodification of health care is the idea that this trend will only continue to get worse.

Health care costs are increasing and this is something that cannot be stopped. The only way that it can stop is if people start to take responsibility for their own health care. It is this responsibility that needs to encompass both the medical and non-medical aspects of one’s health care. If there is no involvement by the patient, family, and friends in the medical process then there can be no true commodification of health care.

Many are of the opinion that the commodification of health care will make a huge impact in the future. They predict that the idea of paying for nothing is quickly to become a thing of the past. This is because the concept of the commodification of health care will become so common that people will be able to see for themselves the ridiculous prices that many are paying for health care. This will come as no surprise to those who have been experiencing these astronomical health care costs for many years. Those who are paying for care in this manner will soon be the exception rather than the norm.

There is hope for the future though and the idea that the commodification of health care will not happen immediately is greatly mistaken. The idea of the commodification of health care has been discussed at length by scholars for the last several decades. There are no signs that the idea of the commodification of health care is going away any time soon and it is highly likely that it will only gain momentum over the next few years.

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