How To Get A Flat Tummy Even If You Don’t Exercise!


Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time to get in a workout?

Between work, family, friends, chores, running errands and trying to stay on top of the endless stream of daily activities… it can be hard to fit exercise into your day. And let’s face it… most of us need help with this particular area of our lives. That’s why I’m going to teach you how to quickly and easily burn off extra calories… even if you don’t exercise for long periods of time.

There are a few simple tricks you can use that won’t take up much of your time… but will make a big difference in your ability to lose weight. I’ll begin by telling you exactly what you have to do… and then I’ll explain exactly why it works.

First, you need to know there are two primary types of calories:

CALORIES YOU INTAKE – these are the calories from all the food you eat, including water. CALORIES YOU EXCRETE – these are the calories your body uses to function, grow and repair itself.

The way you gain or lose weight is very simple: If you have more calories you intake than calories you excrete… you will gain weight. If you have fewer calories you excrete than you intake… you will lose weight.

This basic equation is true for everyone… but there is a major exception. For some people, it is possible to have the same amount of calories you intake… but because they are burned so fast… you will actually lose weight! These people are called “calorie-restricted” and they use this as a way to shed unwanted pounds.

Now that we’ve discussed how you either gain or lose weight… let’s talk about how you can use this knowledge to your advantage when it comes to looking good. As a general rule, if you want to look your best… you should try to have more calories you excrete… than calories you intake.

The easiest way to do this is to simply eat less food. But most of us don’t eat any more food than we need to… because we are creatures of habit. So, what I suggest is you begin by cutting out 500 calories from your daily diet… no matter what. Then, after you’ve been following my program for a couple weeks… you can cut out another 1,000 calories… or whatever number of calories you need to reach your goal.

The easiest way to find out how many calories you need to eliminate is to use an online calorie counter. All you have to do is type in the ingredients from one of your favorite meals… and the site will tell you how many calories that particular meal contains.

Now, once you know how many calories you should be eliminating from your diet… the next step is to make sure you are not exercising too much. This will only hinder your ability to lose weight. Always remember… exercise is NOT the enemy when it comes to weight loss. It is HOW you use it that matters. If you overdo it… you will gain more weight. If you underdo it… you will continue to lose weight even if you don’t change anything else about your lifestyle.

To help you decide how much exercise you need… I am going to give you a simple “calorie-counter” that will let you know… no matter what… whether or not you are exercising enough.

Let’s begin with cardio. Cardio is the best fat-burning exercise there is. It’s also the most common form of exercise people do… even though… it is the least effective form of exercise for weight loss. The truth is… unless you are an elite athlete… all forms of cardio work the same way. It gets your heart rate up… which causes your body to start burning calories as a natural defense mechanism.

However, this calorie-burning effect is extremely short-lived. In fact, after only 10-minutes of cardio… your metabolism has dropped back to where it was before you started exercising!

This is why most experts suggest doing cardio for 20-minutes or less… three times per week. That’s also why most experts suggest you avoid cardio on days you work out… unless… you are an “elite athlete”.

What I want you to do is try to exercise three days per week… and on those days… do as much cardio as you can without getting exhausted. If you are an “elite athlete”… you can do more cardio… but… you should still stay within the guidelines I have just given you.

The other two days a week… you should use those days to do muscle-building strength training. This type of exercise is the most effective way to get a flat tummy and burn off extra calories.

When it comes to strength training… you need to make sure you are working ALL your muscle groups. This means using all the machines at the gym… or doing the free weights… or doing both. The idea here is to work ALL your muscles… and… to do it with as much weight as your body can handle.

If you do this properly… you will soon discover you have a six pack that was impossible even for the models in the ads.

One important note: When you are doing cardio… or… strength training… make sure you are doing it at least half an hour before you eat. This will give your body time to adjust to the change in calories and give you a chance to burn off those extra calories you just ate.

The third area of your fitness routine I am concerned about is flexibility. Losing fat is not only about toning up… it’s also about being able to wear those tight shirts and dresses without having a cow. So, one of the things I want you to do is stretch every day. Not only will this help you stay limber… it will help you look better by making your muscles more pliable.

Now, let’s talk about the other side of the coin: Let’s discuss what you should avoid if you want to lose weight. The first thing I would like to point out is…

Cutting Out Sugary Foods Is The Easiest Way To Lose Weight!

When it comes to weight loss… sugar is the number one enemy. That’s true whether you are on a low-carb diet… or… a “normal” diet. If you are eating a lot of sugar… you will gain weight. Period. End of story.

There are many different types of sugar. Some sugars are simple and easy for your body to use… while other… require your body to break down complex chemical compounds. Simple sugars are the kind that make you gain weight. Complex sugars have very little effect on your body… and therefore… you continue to lose weight even after eating them.

The easiest way to cut back on sugar is to simply avoid it. This means no candy bars… no soda pop… no desserts… no fruit juice… no cookies… and definitely no sugar-laden breads, cereals and pastas.

By avoiding these foods… you will automatically begin to eat fewer calories… and… because you are not consuming as much sugar… you will lose weight.

There are a few more things you should avoid.

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