Common Psychological Health Issues

Daily Check-up

What is psychological health? A person’s quality of life can be measured in a variety of ways, and psychological health encompasses all of these aspects. The four main aspects of psychological health are personality, coping skills, problem solving, and motivation. The strength of each of these areas will influence a person’s ability to live a satisfying life, both physically and emotionally. This article explores each of the four important aspects of psychological health.

Personality is described by an individual’s internal state or disposition towards life. A healthy personality is determined through a series of psychological factors including how a person views their self-image and how they interact with others. A person who lacks coping skills is said to have a dysfunctional personality, which can lead to a number of psychological illnesses. Those with advanced dysfunctional personalities are more likely to be suffering from depression or drug abuse, and are much less likely to live a happy life. The combination of poor coping skills and dysfunctional personality traits are considered a recipe for disaster, and therefore should be treated with the utmost respect.

  • Problem solving skills are considered the foundation of effective psychological health.
  • People who are successful in life to solve problems, and they do this consistently.
  • It is important to understand that a single problem may not be resolved, but as a whole the mind-body connection and self-image of the person involved are significantly impacted.
  • People who lack problem solving skills are often frustrated, and this frustration leads to depression, substance abuse, and a host of other psychological illnesses.
  • Many people also report that their sense of achievement is diminished when they don’t seem to be on the right track.

Motivation refers to a person’s ability to achieve their goals. Whether it be completing a difficult task, learning a new skill, or pursuing a lifelong dream, the drive that propels a person towards success is unique to each person. This quality can also be affected by life experiences, circumstances, and personality traits. If you are lacking in motivation, it may manifest itself in ways such as overeating, procrastination, and depression. The good news is that it is possible to regain a sense of motivation, and the following tips can help you achieve your goal psychological health.

One of the most common psychological health issues is experiencing low self-esteem. People who are not confident in their abilities tend to feel isolated, underachieved, and rejected. If a relationship has come to a screeching halt, or if an important promotion has been lost, the feeling of low self-worth may prevent the person from seeking assistance from those they need most. A common reaction to rejection is to withhold love from those who are “less than” themselves. Unresolved conflict, anger, or sadness may also contribute to a low self esteem and by avoiding these situations it is possible to regain a sense of worth.

When psychological issues are left unchecked, they can impact every aspect of your life. They can inhibit your ability to make responsible decisions, leave you with poor relationships, lead you to engage in potentially harmful behavior, and even affect your mental health. If you suspect that you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, don’t delay in seeking treatment. If you wait, you may suffer more in the future.

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