7 Exercises to Do Everyday, Every Day

Daily Exercise

If you’re anything like me, you hate doing the same exercises every day. Whether it’s because you can’t stand it or you just plain don’t have enough time, it’s time to stop doing the same old thing all day. Instead, I want you to create a workout schedule that will spark your fire and get results. That means creating routines that work for you instead of working for you. Here are 7 exercises to do every day, in the order that I want you to workout.

The first one is called push ups. Lie down on your back with your palms up. Place your hands behind your head and start to lift your shoulders up. Lift your upper body until it is at least parallel to the ground. Now push yourself away from the wall until your chest is about two feet above the floor. Lower your body back down slowly until your chest is level with the floor again.

The second exercise is called pull ups. This exercise is similar to the push-ups exercise, only you have to use a bench or chair instead of a mat. Hold onto the edge of the bench or chair and pull yourself up by gripping the edge. Repeat this exercise until you can no longer support yourself.

The third exercise is called pulldowns. You’ll do these exercises while lying flat on a bench or on your bathroom sink. Place your hands right behind your head and pull yourself up by flexing your elbows. Let your arms hang freely as you pull yourself down. Don’t do these exercises every day, but do them when you want to.

The fourth is called leg raises. Sit on a chair and lift your legs up so they are touching the ground. Now raise your upper body towards the ceiling while looking straight ahead – don’t look at your toes.

Finally, there is the abdominal exercise. To do this exercise, sit on a toilet. Bend your knees and place your hands on the sides of your head. Lift your stomach and push it towards your chest until you feel a point where you can’t breathe anymore. Hold that position for about two minutes and that is the ab exercise.

So now you know some of the exercises that you can do every day. They range in difficulty from easy to difficult. What you want to do is start small and work your way up. Once you have built up stamina and endurance, you will be able to do more challenging exercises. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart.

Just remember, all exercises won’t be effective if you don’t do them right. Start with the ones that are easy and then build up your stamina with more challenging exercises. As you do this, you’ll see great results and before you know it, your abs will be even bigger than before! Good luck! Go get those ab muscles!

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